
Swisstable, a Quick and Dirty Description

Aria Desires

July 27th, 2019

Ok here’s how to implement Swisstable as simply as possible, with a bunch of random notes. I’m assuming you’re familiar with the basics of an open-addressing hashmap implementation, and will be skipping over all those details. If you want to brush up on those issues, you can read my primer on the old Rust Robin Hood implementation.

High level concepts to keep in mind:

Bit fiddling tricks will be omitted because they’re not that interesting, and I made sure they were really well documented in hashbrown (the Rust impl), so you can just crib the implementations from there (seriously, it’s only 100 lines of code, mostly comments). So if I ever say “do X in parallel (func_name)” that’s your cue to check the parallel bit tricks implementation for func_name and its detailed documentation.

Just so you can get your bearings in that implementation:

The hashtable has the parallel bit-trick details abstracted away by the generic and sse2 modules (impl picked at compile time).

§Memory Layout

A table’s layout is defined by:

A table is just a single allocation containing:

Our buckets are like Option<T>, where the control bytes are the Some/None tag, but having a whole byte means we can pack extra metadata in there (more on that later). We have an extra WIDTH control bytes on the end that mirrors the first WIDTH bytes so that we don’t have to worry about how to partially wrap a SIMD access that should otherwise wrap around to the start of the array. However when n < WIDTH, this mirroring is a bit subtle. See the excellent documentation in set_ctrl for how this works. TL;DR - the mirror is right-justified, so you will have a bunch of empty buckets between the real buckets and the mirror ones.

Your outlined table metadata is:

I tried storing the size/capacity/etc metadata in the same allocation, but that requires more branches to handle the static empty map, and I couldn’t find any performance wins from making a HashMap thinner.

Load-factor is a tunable parameter, all that matters is that you make sure there is always at least one empty bucket (feel free to crib the implementation).

§Control Bytes and Hashes

A control byte has one of 3 values:

This representation will be useful for us when doing cute bit tricks. Note that we can tell if a bucket contains a key or not by just looking at the top bit.

There are two operations we perform with a hash (I hate these names but these are the ones you’ll see in the implementations):

When we insert a key into the table, we store its h2 value in the associated control byte. When searching the table we can compare our search key’s h2 to each control byte. If they don’t match, then we know that we don’t have to look at the key stored there at all. With a good hash function we only have ~1/128 odds of a false positive here, so we almost never look at keys except for exactly equal ones! (We use the high bits for h2 so that they’ll be uncorrelated with the index h1, which is the log(n) lowest bits.)

§Searching and Probing

Note that in general our SIMD accesses won’t be properly aligned, so be sure to use the unaligned load/store functions. You can only use aligned ops when walking from the start of the array (iterator/realloc-ish stuff).

So, searching:

  1. start at bucket h1 (mod n)
  2. load the Group of bytes starting at the current bucket
  3. search the Group for your key’s h2 in parallel (match_byte)
  4. for each match, check if the keys are equal, return if found
  5. search the Group for an EMPTY bucket in parallel (match_empty)
  6. if there was any matches, return false
  7. otherwise (every entry was FULL or DELETED), probe (mod n) and GOTO 2

Probing is done by incrementing the current bucket by a triangularly increasing multiple of Groups: jump by 1 more group every time. So first we jump by 1 group (meaning we just continue our linear scan), then 2 groups (skipping over 1 group), then 3 groups (skipping over 2 groups), and so on.

Interestingly, this pattern perfectly lines up with our power-of-two size such that we will visit every single bucket exactly once without any repeats (searching is therefore guaranteed to terminate as we always have at least one EMPTY bucket).

Also note that our non-linear probing strategy makes us fairly robust against weird degenerate collision chains that can make us accidentally quadratic (Hash DoS). Also also note that we expect to almost never actually probe, since that’s WIDTH (8-16) non-EMPTY buckets we need to fail to find our key in.


Insertion is done in two passes

So, actual insertion:

  1. start at bucket h1 (mod n)
  2. load the Group of bytes starting at the current bucket
  3. search the Group for EMPTY or DELETED in parallel (match_empty_or_deleted)
  4. if there was no match (unlikely), probe and GOTO 2
  5. otherwise, get the first match and enter the SMALL TABLE NASTY CORNER CASE ZONE
  6. check that the match (mod n) isn’t FULL.

This can happen for small (n < WIDTH) tables, because there are fake EMPTY bytes between us and the mirror bytes. If it does happen, then we know: we’re a tiny table that fits in a Group, and that the guaranteed-to-exist empty bucket wasn’t anywhere between h1 and the end of the table.

  1. if it wasn’t FULL, return that location for insertion
  2. if it was FULL, load the (aligned!) Group at the start of the table
  3. search the Group for EMPTY or DELETED in parallel (match_empty_or_deleted)
  4. return the first location for insertion (guaranteed to exist!)


The search routine for deletion is really easy: just run the search algorithm. There you found the thing to remove. The tricky bit is the cleanup.

So we saw in the searching algorithm that our cue to probe is an entire contiguous Group of FULL/DELETED entries. So if the entry we want to delete is in within such a contiguous Group, setting it to EMPTY may “break” the search path for any key that probed over it. So we need to check if that’s the case, and if so, replace ourselves with DELETED. To put that another way: we need to find the nearest EMPTYs to our left and to our right, and make sure they’re less than WIDTH apart.

Note how extreme that is: we only ever insert a tombstone if the entry we want to delete is in a pack of WIDTH non-EMPTY buckets. Under reasonable load factors that’s very unlikely!

So, removal:

  1. start at the removal bucket
  2. load the Group of bytes starting at that bucket
  3. search the Group for EMPTY in parallel (match_empty), and record the first empty found (“end”)
  4. load the Group of bytes before that bucket
  5. search the Group for EMPTY in parallel (match_empty), and record the last empty found (“start”)
  6. if the distance between start and end is >= WIDTH, set the bucket to DELETED
  7. otherwise, set the bucket to EMPTY

(implementation note, 3, 5, and 6 is just a.leading_zeroes() + b.trailing_zeroes() >= WIDTH, although be careful which is which in your implementation, lots of negations and endianess confusion to be had!)

§The Empty Singleton

You don’t want to allocate for empty tables, so just statically allocate an Group-aligned(!) array of [EMPTY; WIDTH] and point your empty collection at it. If you implemented everything right, it should just workout because you’ll load those WIDTH bytes into a Group, see it’s empty, and always conclude there’s nothing to do. When you need to actually insert, your load factor should tell you to resize right away. You mostly only need to add extra guards in places like clear and whenever you would realloc/free the table (all very slow paths, so no concern).

There’s a minor hard-to-hit footgun here if your implementation somehow associates your pointer into the control bytes with the type of your keys. If you do this, the empty singleton may be under-aligned or you may run afoul of TBAA-style things. The fact that we hold separate pointers for keys and ctrls makes it pretty easy to avoid this. Just keep the ctrl pointer a boring untyped pointer-to-bytes.

§Extra Notes