Adding A New Mood

You shouldn't need any code to add a mood, just update responses.json and the docs~

Editing responses.json

For instance, here's a minimal example (SFW) "sleepy" mood~ 💤

    "moods": {
        "sleepy": {
            "positive": [
                "that almost makes {role} want to get out of bed...",
                "*yawns*\ngood work~"
            "negative": [
                "{role} thinks {pronoun} little {affectionate_term} might also be too tired~",
                "let's just take a nap, ok~?"
            "overflow": [
                "{role} did too much and is going to bed..."

That's it, no code needs to be changed!

Updating The Docs

Add the mood and some example outputs to the SFW mood docs or the NSFW mood docs.