calling conventions

A calling convention is as close as ABI Cafe ever gets to referring to "An ABI" directly, but they're still pretty abstract, since a single calling convention can mean different things on different platforms.

By default, for each test we will generate a copy of it for every known calling convention (changing the convention of all functions declared by that test).

Each Toolchain may claim to support a particular set of calling conventions (and may use knowledge of the target platform to adjust their decisions). Refusing to support a convention will result in those tests getting marked as "skipped" and omitted from the final report.

If two Toolchains claim to support a calling convention on a platform, it is assumed that they want to have compatible ABIs, and it's our goal to identify what does and doesn't work.


All of the following conventions are enabled by default, and only these conventions are supported.

Universal Conventions:

  • c: the platform's default C convention (extern "C")
  • rust: the platform's default Rust convention (extern "Rust")

Windows Conventions:

  • cdecl
  • fastcall
  • stdcall
  • vectorcall

(There exists some code for other weird conventions rustc supports, but they aren't really wired up properly and it's not clear if they serve any purpose.)