
A KDLScript alias type is just what you expect! for superpowered ifdefy aliases, see pun types

alias "MetersU32" "u32"

is equivalent to this Rust:

fn main() {
type MetersU32 = u32;

and this C:

typedef uint32_t MetersU32;

Note that the ordering matches Rust's type Alias = RealType; syntax and not C/C++'s backwards-ass typedef syntax (yes I know why the C syntax is like that, it's very cute).

Attributes And Layouts

The various KDLScript attributes can be applied to aliases, but nothing currently respects them, because, what the fuck?

Generic Aliases

Generic aliases are not supported.

I'm Normal And Can Be Trusted With Codegen

The abi-cafe codegen backends will go out of their way to "remember" that a type alias exists and use it when the alias was specified there. So for instance given this definition:

enum "ComplexLongName" {

alias "Clean" "ComplexLongName"

struct "Enums" {
    x "Clean"
    y "ComplexLongName"

The Rust backend should initialize an instance of Enums as follows:

fn main() {
let temp = Enums { x: Clean::A, y: ComplexLongName::B }

Is this important?


Am I happy the section is longer than the actual description of alias?


I will fight every compiler that doesn't work like this. Preserve my fucking aliases in diagnostics and code refactors, cowards. Yes I will accept longer compile times to get this. Who wouldn't? People who are also cowards, that's who.