
KDLScript Attributes start with @ and apply to the next item (function or type) that follows them. There are currently 3 major classes of attributes:

  • repr attrs
    • lang reprs
      • @repr "rust" - use rust's native struct layout
      • @repr "c" - use C-compatible struct layout
    • primitive reprs - for any enums, use the given primitive as its type
      • @repr "u8"
      • @repr "f32"
      • ...
    • transparent repr - equivalent of rust's repr(transparent)
      • @repr "transparent"
  • modifier attrs
    • @align 16 - align to N
    • @packed - pack fields to eliminate padding
  • passthrough attrs
    • @ "literally anything here"

The significance of repr attributes is that providing any explicit repr attribute is considered an opt-out from the default automatic repr all user-defined types receive.

When we generate tests we will typically generate both a repr(rust) version and a repr(C) version. In these versions any user-defined type gets (an equivalent of) those attributes applied to it.

This means that applying @align 16 still leaves a struct eligible to have the rust layout and c layout tested, while applying @repr "u8" to a tagged union does not (if you want to test repr(C, u8), you need to set @repr "C" "u8").